Ways to Save on on Auto Insurance in Florida

Auto Insurance Safety Tips

Take the Pledge, Don't text and drive.

Prevent Teenage Drunk Driving

Do you like scary statistics? How's this: Every 22 minutes someone dies in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident.

Want another one? On any given weekend evening, one out of ten drivers on America's roads has been drinking.

Want one more? According to the latest statistics, the prospect of you or someone in your family being involved in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident is more than just very likely ... it's a virtual certainty.

Most horrible of all is the fact that a disproportionately high number of alcohol-related deaths and accidents involve the 15-24 age group. A lot of young people are, in fact, dying before they get old ... dying tragic, meaningless deaths.

Don't follow too closely
Drive Offensively
Always look for others near you
Slow down and observe

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